
Category: Google+

Why Online Reviews are So Important for Local Businesses

Why Online Reviews are So Important for Local Businesses blog-why-reviews-are-so-important-for-local-businesses

Online customer reviews are an often overlooked aspect of local business’ digital marketing strategy. “It’s nice to get feedback but it doesn’t impact our sales.” “No one reads reviews anyways.” “I’m already advertising my product so I don’t need to keep up with reviews, too.” If this sounds like your business’ current approach to reviews, […]

12 Holiday Post Ideas For Social Media!

12 Holiday Post Ideas For Social Media! Holiday-Social-Media-Post-Ideas

It’s here! Another holiday season is underway. Black Friday, Cyber Monday and whatever else you can come up with to get people to buy. I really think that this year, retail started their Christmas rush way, way, way too early. (For me personally) That being said … you should already have your holiday strategy going […]

Google Helps You Leverage Your Reviews!

Google Helps You Leverage Your Reviews! Leveraging-Happy-Clients

With so many options available, having a Google My Business page as a local business is so smart! It often makes us wonder, how are businesses still not on this platform? We’re still amazed at how many local businesses aren’t fully taking advantage of everything Google can do for a business owner. This is good […]

How To Get Into Your Google Business Page!

How To Get Into Your Google Business Page! How-To-Get-Into-Your-Google-Business-Page

One of the questions most of my business owners ask me is “How do I get into my Google Business page?”. It can seem very confusing and at times, it’s hard to think of Google as having a social component. In the past, we always relied on content to get us up on Google page […]

Top 10 Links Every Small Business Should Bookmark

Top 10 Links Every Small Business Should Bookmark 10-Links

We’ve love to help out business’s even if they aren’t able to utilize our services! So we thought we’d put together this short post to help everyone along with their online marketing efforts. We of course would love to assist in proper set-up, optimizing and how to post to these sites – but these should […]

Why Google Reviews Are So Important For Local Businesses

Why Google Reviews Are So Important For Local Businesses why-Google-local-is-so-important-1

Have you created your Google+ Local Business page yet? Google’s search algorithm is evolving continuously. From time to time, the search giant tweaks its algorithm, sending waves across the internet. Since Google is the most popular search engine in the world, it is kind of mandatory for businesses to make changes to their online marketing […]

FTC Sends Warning To Social Media Marketers

FTC Sends Warning To Social Media Marketers eJennSoltuions.com_

This week in marketing news the FTC sends out a strong reminder to social media marketers about following the FTC’s guidelines. These key points are a reminder for everyone on disclosures for contests, sweepstakes, paid influencers, videos, reviews, blogger outreach and even how Twitter should be handled. You can read the full article here on […]

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