
Google Helps You Leverage Your Reviews!

With so many options available, having a Google My Business page as a local business is so smart! It often makes us wonder, how are businesses still not on this platform? We’re still amazed at how many local businesses aren’t fully taking advantage of everything Google can do for a business owner. This is good news for readers of eJenn solutions blog though! You’re here to keep up and keep up together we will!

Google’s #SmallThanks Campaign Information

Google just came out with their #SmallThanks campaign last week. This is a great quick way to really leverage your great Google reviews in a fun way! It’s called Small Thanks. It’s to help encourage customers to leave their reviews about your business on Google, by sharing your current reviews. It’s all about getting those reviews everyone!

If you are still not on Google My Business, here’s our blog post on the differences of Google business pages. This post will help you decide which product is best for you. When you choose, the links to begin those pages are in this post here: Google My Business or Google Brand Page?

Your Google Review Poster

Once you have your Google My Business page (the only page that accepts business reviews) you’ll want to get those great reviews. When you have a few, here’s where you start to get your Small Thanks Review for print or social sharing: Where to get your small thanks poster

When you have select the review you want to share or print out – you’ll get a few designs already done for you to choose from like below:


… and as you can see you can also select your own customized one too.

After you select your design and the review you like, you’ll next be forwarded to a page. At the next page you can download a PDF for print or instantly share the review on your social sites. Be warned – we did have some trouble posting this review well on Facebook. The photo did not populate over for us. Having the photo not populate could be a bug that will be fixed by Google!

Here’s the screen you’ll get when you select and complete the look of your poster!


This is a great way to bring awareness to your local business and encourage reviews. It’s pretty simple and really leverages your great current reviews inside your location and on your social sites! Great content!

If you need help getting those Google reviews – we have a service that can help you – contact us to learn more about it!

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