Month: April 2018

Social Media Work vs. Social Media Strategy

Social Media Work vs. Social Media Strategy Blog-sm-work-vs-sm-strat

Before posting anything on social media, it’s important to understand the difference between working on social media posts and having a social media strategy. Although on the surface they may seem the same, there are big difference both in costs and results. Social Media Work Essentially, social media work involves creating and publishing posts. You […]

Facebook Live Stats That Will Surprise You!

Facebook Live Stats That Will Surprise You! Blog-Facebook-Live-Stats-That-Will-Surprise-You

In the beginning, live streaming was about sharing on-the-spot content and favorite moments. It worked quite well for this purpose and still does. Live videos have also taken on a new role in marketing. They’ve become a powerful tool to reach your target audience. Reasons You Need to Use Facebook Live Video Facebook has more […]

How Much Should You Spend On Social Media

How Much Should You Spend On Social Media How-Much-Should-You-Spend-On-Social-Media

Determining the ROI and value of social media marketing can be tricky. There are many “soft” factors that go into this metric, including new subscribers, new product discoveries, exposure, and connecting with new people. While those factors are tough to quantify, conversions are not. Publishing great content, whether people immediately sign up for anything (a […]

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