Jennifer Stinnett

Jennifer Stinnett stands at the forefront of digital marketing innovation as the founder of eJenn Solutions, a pioneering social media marketing agency that has transformed from a solo freelancing endeavor into a renowned full-service digital marketing leader. Jennifer's profound expertise and authoritative voice in the industry stem from years of honing her skills in social media strategy, making her a coveted partner for businesses aiming to dominate the digital landscape. Her strategic approach to online marketing is not just about creating content; it's about crafting data-driven, result-oriented strategies that significantly increase brand visibility and audience engagement across key social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), TikTok and LinkedIn. Jennifer's ability to seamlessly integrate with your existing marketing efforts or comprehensively manage your digital presence makes her an invaluable asset to any business looking to excel in today's competitive online arena. Jennifer Stinnett's commitment to driving success for her clients is evident in her tailored strategies designed to meet the unique demands of each business at any stage of its growth. Discover the impact of strategic social media marketing with Jennifer Stinnett, a leading authority in driving digital excellence & online brand growth. Follow Jennifer on Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Youtube.

When Should You Outsource Your Social Media

When Should You Outsource Your Social Media When-should-you-outsource-social-media

As many of you know, we always try to create content that is valuable to you and your business. Most of the posts here on eJenn Solutions are all questions that have been asked or helpful tools to help you problem solve. While this post is not a direct question we’ve been asked, it does […]

How To Calculate Your ROI on Ads

How To Calculate Your ROI on Ads How-to-Figure-Out-ROI-of-Ads

Thinking about running ads on Facebook or Google and wondering how to track your ROI? It’s actually simple to do the math on that investment. The hard part is getting the right figures and the right tracking set up so you can get a clear picture of the investment. How Are You Tracking Ads for […]

Facebook Business Apps You Need

Facebook Business Apps You Need Facebook-Apps-You-Need-On-Your-Phone

If you are like most entrepreneurs and business owners – you tend to do things as efficiently as you can. One of those efficient ways is probably using your mobile phone to post on Facebook! If you have been struggling lately with being able to post as your page or even do live video from […]

5 Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire SEO Help

5 Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire SEO Help 5-Questions-to-Ask-Before-You-Hire-SEO-Help

So, you need help with making your business visible in search and on social media websites. You’re not alone. Sixty-three percent of modern business owners report their greatest challenge is generating enough website traffic and leads. If you’re unfamiliar with search engine optimization (SEO) best practices, how do you know who’s full of baloney? Read […]

How To Get Into Your Google Business Page!

How To Get Into Your Google Business Page! How-To-Get-Into-Your-Google-Business-Page

One of the questions most of my business owners ask me is “How do I get into my Google Business page?”. It can seem very confusing and at times, it’s hard to think of Google as having a social component. In the past, we always relied on content to get us up on Google page […]

How To Write A Traffic Generating Facebook Post!

How To Write A Traffic Generating Facebook Post! How-To-Write-Traffic-Generating-Social-Media-Posts

When the eJenn Solutions team is hired to do a social media audit with recommendations – we have the opportunity of looking at a lot of different Facebook pages.  Some clients have tens of thousands of fans, some have just under a few hundred fans.  The differences in industry range far in between too: Professional […]

Why Facebook Ad Clicks Are More Than Google Analytics Show

Why Facebook Ad Clicks Are More Than Google Analytics Show Facebook_Clicks_vs-Google-Analytics-2

Have you been confused looking at your Facebook ad campaigns at Facebook’s reported link clicks vs. what you see as traffic coming from Facebook in Google Analytics? We have!! As an online marketer running campaigns, it stumped me when we tried to explain why this was happening. So, I’ll share with you the fun little […]

How To Implement Calls To Action: Social Media and Website

How To Implement Calls To Action: Social Media and Website call-to-action

As we consult and do audits on websites and social media accounts, we always find room for improvement on company sites every single time. One of the biggest and yet easiest things to fix and improve with your online marketing strategy is the use of CTA’s (Call-To-Action). What is a Call-To-Action? A call to action […]

Top 10 Links Every Small Business Should Bookmark

Top 10 Links Every Small Business Should Bookmark 10-Links

We’ve love to help out business’s even if they aren’t able to utilize our services! So we thought we’d put together this short post to help everyone along with their online marketing efforts. We of course would love to assist in proper set-up, optimizing and how to post to these sites – but these should […]

How A Social Media Editorial Calendar Helps Your Business

How A Social Media Editorial Calendar Helps Your Business EditorialCalendar-1

Sосiаl media is essential whеn it соmеѕ to your business, еѕресiаllу if уоu rеlу hеаvily оn the Intеrnеt tо gеnеrаtе warm lеаdѕ. With all оf the vаriоuѕ ѕосiаl mеdiа аррliсаtiоnѕ аvаilаblе, it can be a challenge to mаnаgе thеm. Thаt’ѕ whеrе a ѕосiаl media саlеndаr or an editorial calendar bесоmеѕ a hаndу tооl! An editorial […]

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