Jennifer Stinnett

Jennifer Stinnett stands at the forefront of digital marketing innovation as the founder of eJenn Solutions, a pioneering social media marketing agency that has transformed from a solo freelancing endeavor into a renowned full-service digital marketing leader. Jennifer's profound expertise and authoritative voice in the industry stem from years of honing her skills in social media strategy, making her a coveted partner for businesses aiming to dominate the digital landscape. Her strategic approach to online marketing is not just about creating content; it's about crafting data-driven, result-oriented strategies that significantly increase brand visibility and audience engagement across key social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), TikTok and LinkedIn. Jennifer's ability to seamlessly integrate with your existing marketing efforts or comprehensively manage your digital presence makes her an invaluable asset to any business looking to excel in today's competitive online arena. Jennifer Stinnett's commitment to driving success for her clients is evident in her tailored strategies designed to meet the unique demands of each business at any stage of its growth. Discover the impact of strategic social media marketing with Jennifer Stinnett, a leading authority in driving digital excellence & online brand growth. Follow Jennifer on Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Youtube.

How a Photographer Grew His Business Using Social Media – Guest Patrick Stinnett

How a Photographer Grew His Business Using Social Media – Guest Patrick Stinnett insta-patrick-podcast

Excited to have … yes, my brother, on the podcast this week! Patrick is co-owner of Stinnett Studios that he runs with his wife Dana Stinnett! Not only did Patrick grow his business using social media, but he used social media to LEARN his business too. About Patrick Stinnett of Stinnett Studios: For the last […]

How Photos Help Your Business – Interview With Rinat Halon Neal!

How Photos Help Your Business – Interview With Rinat Halon Neal! insta-rinat-halon

Did you like the photo Rinat allowed us to use for this blog post above? … did it make you feel happy!? Wellll… I had the chance to sit down and talk with Rinat Halon Neal about photography and her business! She has created a system 8 years ago that helps connect small businesses online […]

Realtors Using Social Media – Guest Kathy Williams

Realtors Using Social Media – Guest Kathy Williams google-kathy-williams

This post is part of the eJenn Solutions podcast series! This is episode #2 with Guest Kathy Williams. Listen in as we learn about Kathy’s business, how she’s become successful as a Realtor in Orlando and how she’s used social media in her career as a Real Estate Agent! About Kathy Williams – Orlando Realtor: […]

Social Media Work vs. Social Media Strategy

Social Media Work vs. Social Media Strategy Blog-sm-work-vs-sm-strat

Before posting anything on social media, it’s important to understand the difference between working on social media posts and having a social media strategy. Although on the surface they may seem the same, there are big difference both in costs and results. Social Media Work Essentially, social media work involves creating and publishing posts. You […]

Facebook Live Stats That Will Surprise You!

Facebook Live Stats That Will Surprise You! Blog-Facebook-Live-Stats-That-Will-Surprise-You

In the beginning, live streaming was about sharing on-the-spot content and favorite moments. It worked quite well for this purpose and still does. Live videos have also taken on a new role in marketing. They’ve become a powerful tool to reach your target audience. Reasons You Need to Use Facebook Live Video Facebook has more […]

How Much Should You Spend On Social Media

How Much Should You Spend On Social Media How-Much-Should-You-Spend-On-Social-Media

Determining the ROI and value of social media marketing can be tricky. There are many “soft” factors that go into this metric, including new subscribers, new product discoveries, exposure, and connecting with new people. While those factors are tough to quantify, conversions are not. Publishing great content, whether people immediately sign up for anything (a […]

How Much Does Social Media Cost?

How Much Does Social Media Cost? How-much-does-social-media-cost

How much does social media cost? Sometimes followed by the “What’s the ROI of Social Media?” For this blog post, we’re going to focus on a version of these questions. In reality, what you should be wondering is, “What does social media cost ME and my business?” Here’s why: We’re all in business to help […]

Why Outsource Your Social Media?

Why Outsource Your Social Media? Outsourcing-Social-Media-Company

Businesses are created to help others and to make money. While you may be keeping the budget strings tight, you may wonder, why would someone want to spend money on outsourcing their social media? Everyone knows how to do a post on Facebook, tweet a tweet on twitter or post something on LinkedIn right? The […]

12 Holiday Post Ideas For Social Media!

12 Holiday Post Ideas For Social Media! Holiday-Social-Media-Post-Ideas

It’s here! Another holiday season is underway. Black Friday, Cyber Monday and whatever else you can come up with to get people to buy. I really think that this year, retail started their Christmas rush way, way, way too early. (For me personally) That being said … you should already have your holiday strategy going […]

Google Helps You Leverage Your Reviews!

Google Helps You Leverage Your Reviews! Leveraging-Happy-Clients

With so many options available, having a Google My Business page as a local business is so smart! It often makes us wonder, how are businesses still not on this platform? We’re still amazed at how many local businesses aren’t fully taking advantage of everything Google can do for a business owner. This is good […]

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