Video Tips For Businesses! – Guest Joseph McConnell

Well THIS podcast was a lot of fun! Not only do you progressively see my world get darker and darker as a storm rolled through – but Joe was on Survivorman! You’ll get to hear him tell his tale right around the 21:00 mark!

About Joe McConnell, Nums Films:

Nums Films offers a series of commercial spots as opposed to a ‘one off’ spot like most advertisers. A business will not be throwing their money away on one large ad gamble, rather they’ll be getting a variety of ad spots that they can use throughout the year. They provide affordable commercials for small business’s that would otherwise not be able to compete in the marketplace due to high production costs. Commercials are meant for social media platforms in order to keep the price down and maximize current viewership trends.

Joseph McConnell has been involved in the tv/film industry for almost 20 years in capacities such as production assistant, driver, craft services, cameraman, associate producer, location manager, editor, director & producer. He graduated in 2004 from Ramapo College of New Jersey with a BA in Contemporary Arts. Currently, he works as the Director of Digital Marketing for Bonn Place Brewing Company in Bethlehem, PA. He also works as an Executive Producer for Frame 144, a boutique advertising agency. You can connect with Joe on YouTube!

Listen and watch the Interview here:

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