How to Make Your Pinterest Post Click-Worthy

Business owners spend a lot of cash when it comes to marketing their businesses. Today there are different and easier ways one can market their business online to generate more sales, one of which is the use of Pinterest. Pinterest is a simple way of selling your products to users online through the use of pin which consists of images and descriptions. But to generate traffic, you must make your pins click-worthy.

Below are business Pinterest tips to make your pins click-worthy:

Make posts helpful

A Pinterest post is merely a way of informing people about your products. To make your pin attractive, you must contain useful information. When posting on Pinterest make your descriptions as detailed as possible. Include all relevant information on the description. Moreover, making your post detailed means, you are widening your keywords. If your product description contains more details, it would appear more often on user searches. More appearance of your products on user searches will lead to more potential buyers being interested in your products. Similarly, you can use text overlay in your images. A text overlay contains more information about your product. For instance, if you have a photo in your post and it isn’t self-explanatory a text overlay comes in handy. The text overlay will contain more information about the product. You can also use an infographic to include a lot to add more information on your pins.

Use of tall aspect ratio

When posting your posts on Pinterest always use a tall aspect ratio where the most recommended being 2:3. Pinterest is a vertically oriented user interface platform and the use of a tall aspect ratio when posting makes you take advantage of Pinterest’s platform. An aspect ratio of 2:3 to 1:3.5 makes it easy for the posts to be incorporated into the columns easily. It will also be easy for mobile phone users to see your posts well on their smartphones.

Use multi-product posts

A post with multi products shows users you have more products available for sale. An easy way to achieve this is to place several products neatly in your post. Another option is the use of frames with multiple products in your post. Besides the two you can divide the pin into two. The first part to hold the pictures while the second part contains the description.


Branding a business is how a product gets noticed by the customers. A pin or post on Pinterest can be branded according to your business. Place logos in your post and they should be incorporated nicely into the pictures. People search for specific products on Pinterest and combining your logo into your post makes it easy for users to know your brand. Additionally, consider the use of branded colors, fonts or branded photography.

Add catchy headline

A headline is a short representation of your products and is the first words a user on Pinterest will read. Use a catchy headline to influence users to click on your post to read more.

Add value

Pinterest is not all about generating sales for your business it can also be used to relay educational or important information to your users. Add pins that link to useful information like informational blogs, press release or case studies. Doing so helps you as a business owner keep users glued to your pins and help you build trust with your buyers.

Use a simple background

A clear and simple background will make your product stand out and make the reader focus on the products only. It is advisable to use a clear background. It makes the products stand out, and users will focus on it rather than the background.
Pinterest is a significant source of generating traffic for businesses; follow the steps above and post regularly to generate more sales traffic for your business.

If you’d like to up your Pinterest game with us – drop us a note here!

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