How Photos Help Your Business – Interview With Rinat Halon Neal!


Did you like the photo Rinat allowed us to use for this blog post above? … did it make you feel happy!? Wellll… I had the chance to sit down and talk with Rinat Halon Neal about photography and her business! She has created a system 8 years ago that helps connect small businesses online with their target audience using relevant, engaging photographs.

About Rinat Halon Neal

A little bit about Rinat Halon: Through custom portraits and educational content, such as books, webinars, and live seminars, her PURPOSE is to impact, motivate and inspire! Seeking life balance and placing family first while finding opportunities to bless others worldwide.” A dual citizen Israeli-American Rinat Halon was raised in both Tel Aviv and Columbus Ohio. Her professional career started at 16 when she became a child actress-singer on a hit Israeli television show. At 18 she joined the Israeli military and served for 2 years after passing the competitive auditions to serve at the USO branch as an entertainer. She graduated from The Ohio State University with a personalized honors degree (BS) in Photography & Visual Merchandising. For her degree she researched and wrote a thesis about the influence of Photography on purchasing behavior. Her photography career spans the globe. She photographed portraits of high-ranking government official & celebrities, weddings, culinary, high fashion, jewelry, architecture and more. Her photographs appeared in magazines and exhibits internationally. Five of her photographs were chosen to be part of the permanent collection of the Israeli congress. She was awarded a “Superior Artist” award in Israel. She is ranked one of top 3 commercial photographers in Oviedo Florida. Today Rinat resides in Orlando Florida. She is a Photo Marketing Strategist, primarily helping small business take their message to market using branded photographs – her own innovative concept and creative process (The Marketing Mastery System TM) she created based on her experience as the Walt Disney Imagineers In house Photographer & Visual Communication Specialist. She still enjoys photographing weddings as well as studio portraits. She also teaches photography in Rollins College Center for Lifelong Learning and is the author of the instructional photography book “What’s wrong with my camera?” available now on Amazon. She is currently working on her next book- “What’s wrong with my camera, NOW?”

We had a great time chatting about the differences between thought out photos for your business vs. stock photos. How just this one upgrade to your website and social media can make the difference in your business revenue! Listen to the interview below:

Here is the link to her free consultation offer: FREE PHOTO CONSULTATION

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