Jennifer Stinnett

Jennifer Stinnett stands at the forefront of digital marketing innovation as the founder of eJenn Solutions, a pioneering social media marketing agency that has transformed from a solo freelancing endeavor into a renowned full-service digital marketing leader. Jennifer's profound expertise and authoritative voice in the industry stem from years of honing her skills in social media strategy, making her a coveted partner for businesses aiming to dominate the digital landscape. Her strategic approach to online marketing is not just about creating content; it's about crafting data-driven, result-oriented strategies that significantly increase brand visibility and audience engagement across key social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), TikTok and LinkedIn. Jennifer's ability to seamlessly integrate with your existing marketing efforts or comprehensively manage your digital presence makes her an invaluable asset to any business looking to excel in today's competitive online arena. Jennifer Stinnett's commitment to driving success for her clients is evident in her tailored strategies designed to meet the unique demands of each business at any stage of its growth. Discover the impact of strategic social media marketing with Jennifer Stinnett, a leading authority in driving digital excellence & online brand growth. Follow Jennifer on Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Youtube.

Why Google Reviews Are So Important For Local Businesses

Why Google Reviews Are So Important For Local Businesses why-Google-local-is-so-important-1

Have you created your Google+ Local Business page yet? Google’s search algorithm is evolving continuously. From time to time, the search giant tweaks its algorithm, sending waves across the internet. Since Google is the most popular search engine in the world, it is kind of mandatory for businesses to make changes to their online marketing […]

2 Easy Ways For More Traffic To Your Website!

2 Easy Ways For More Traffic To Your Website! How-To-Easily-Get-TrafficTo-Your-Website-1

Getting views, clicks and engagement to your blog posts is something anyone who has an online business constantly things about. How do I get more views? How to I get more traffic? What more can I do!? Sometimes we focus so much on content, SEO and social media, that we don’t see some very simple […]

Should You Post Your Instagram Photos to Twitter? (Cross-posting)

Should You Post Your Instagram Photos to Twitter? (Cross-posting) Cross-Promoting-1

Updated: 4/28/2020 to include new Twitter character limit changes from 140 to 280. LinkedIn now accepts hashtags in their posts. As small business owners and entrepreneurs – we’re always looking for ways to streamline our processes and increase efficiency in everything we do. Many times when I’m asked to do an audit of a company’s […]

The Social Media Platforms We Love and Use!

The Social Media Platforms We Love and Use! Best-Social-Media-Platforms-1

Everyone is always looking for ways to make to make posting to social media a little easier for themselves. If you are a small business owner not yet ready to invest in employee time to this medium of marketing or you’re trying to do everything yourself – using platforms are the way to go. Why […]

How Many Hashtags Should You Use On Instagram?

How Many Hashtags Should You Use On Instagram? How-Many-Hashtags-Should-You-Use-On-Instagram-2

How many hashtags does it take to get noticed on Instagram? This is one of the questions I hear over and over. Not only am I asked this question repeatedly, but I myself have monitored how my posts do with a lot or a little amount of hashtags in them. Then when I get a […]

How To Add Facebook Event Content With No Events!

How To Add Facebook Event Content With No Events! Sharing-Events-1

Here is a great way to keep your Facebook Business page filled with event content … without having events of your own! I love this little feature because not only do you create content for you, but you are engaging within your own industry or local area! Anything that can create engagement with your Facebook […]

Do You Know Your Social Selling Score?

I’m sure everyone has heard over and over again … “You have to be on social media”, “You have to have an online social presence” and the statement “Your business will fail if you are not on social sites”… While some of these comments / statements you hear can be a bit extreme, there is […]

Why You Should Be Pinning Your Tweets!

Why You Should Be Pinning Your Tweets! how-to-pin-a-tweet-to-the-top-of-your-profile-page

Have you had a chance to see or use the pinning feature on Twitter yet? Isn’t this an exciting little function available to businesses? I thought I would share some ways that this feature could help in your business objectives and why, if you’re not already using this feature – I highly encourage you to […]

Why Posting Consistently on Social Media Pays Off!

Why Posting Consistently on Social Media Pays Off! Looks-like-Your-Website1

With all the “noise” out on social media it may seem to some businesses as waste of time to post on social sites. This is even more of a justification to those of you that have limited staff to generate daily posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube videos, Periscope, aaaannnndddd the list goes […]

5 Places For Free Copyright Free Photos

5 Places For Free Copyright Free Photos photography-unsplash-women-camera-vintage-1

photo from Updated (July 21, 2019): removed a site that no longer offers royalty / copyright free photos As anyone who blogs knows … finding copyright free photos for your blog can be a challenging undertaking. Depending on the amount of blogging you do – paying for photos on sites like iStockPhoto or DepositPhotos […]

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