2 Easy Ways For More Traffic To Your Website!

Getting views, clicks and engagement to your blog posts is something anyone who has an online business constantly things about. How do I get more views? How to I get more traffic? What more can I do!? Sometimes we focus so much on content, SEO and social media, that we don’t see some very simple ways to passively get more clicks and views to our blogs. Ways that are so simple – they need a one time set-up and can be forgotten about as they work behind the scenes for us on a daily basis. That’s what we’re going to show you today!

One of the most overlooked areas of social media and blog traffic you can potentially recieve is by use of your email signature line. Now – I’ve seen the whole kit-n-kaboodle of signatures lines … from the “just my name / blank space” to the endless link list below someone’s name. The later being so highly confusing that you don’t know where the actual email content ended! … don’t be that person …

Simple Email Signature Set-up:

If you don’t have a signature line for use with your blog and business, you are missing out. There are various ways to accomplish this. If you are using Google Gmail for your business (which I highly recommend – see our blog post here for free Google Promotion of your business) you can simply add a signature line with a link to your website in the account settings section. (use that little gear dial to start!)


This format only allows you to create links and if you’re not careful, creating too many links below your signature on emails can result in being “that person” with a huge long list of links we spoke about earlier. You CAN also add pictures in the form of social icons, make those images clickable to your social sites and you have a nice work around.

I have found and use something better and much easier for this process. It’s call WiseStamp! This great little handy program works wonders for me. I set it up the way I want things to look and include the information I want to show on my email signatures only once … and presto! … we have email signature magic like the what I created below.

What I love about this program is that it allows you to add an RSS feed section which automatically updates with your latest blog post! The key phrase here … automatically and without any extra work for you! I have people clicking that link many times… Of note – I am not an affiliate of this program – just a big fan!

RSS Feed integrated with social media:

While RSS feeds are not a popular topic for ways to get traffic to your blog or website – it is something that should not be overlooked. RSS feeds have SEO benefits as well as an easy way to increase sharing! When someone does a quick search about SEO and RSS feeds – there is a lot of discussion on if this is good or not. I have found RSS feeds to work very well for my site as well as that for clients. An article on SEMRush.com – a great site for all things SEO has this to say on the subject:

As you know, SEO is always maximized by quality content. Consequently, you end up helping users and increasing your chance of being shared by continuously updating quality content. This is exactly what SEs hope for.

As proven above, the use of RSS feeds is ideal for creating quality backlinks to your website and improving the PageRank of your domain on SERP.

We use an interesting RSS feed service called Feedblitz. (affiliate link) The reason we love this program is that it allows people to follow and get updates to your blog posts by email or SMS or with their favorite e reader choice. See how this option shows up when people open up the RSS icon on eJenn Soltuions site:


RSS feeds also allow you to populate a sites content easily into your social sites! Check out Hootsuite’s RSS feed integration to have new posts from sites you trust sent directly to your social sites when something new is published. This is great way to keep content going on your social sites automatically without much time and effort.

You can also integrate Feedblitz into your Facebook page as an app! You can see how we did this on our page here: Feedblitz integration to eJenn Solutions Facebook page.

So there you have it … 2 easy ways to get more traffic and views to your website or blog! Do you use another service that you’ve found helpful for getting traffic to your website? We’d love to hear about it in the comment section below!

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