First Off, What Is Branding?
“Think of branding as your promise.”
“It’s [about] reconnection and alignment with what your real purpose is, and then you can get aligned with how you’re showing up in every aspect of your business. It’s more than your logo, It’s more than your colors, It’s more than your font, It’s who you are! If you’re not buying into what your promise is, how on Earth are your clients or customers ever going to buy into it?”
How To Create A Strong Brand
“You need to make sure that you’re consistent with everything. And we need repetition. I need to hear you at least 26 times. Back in the day, it used to be seven, but a Harvard study probably about five years ago said 23. People are reading through an insane amount [of content], which is why your promise is important. Create something that’s worth me tuning into. And please make sure it looks the same everywhere. Then I can go, ‘Oh, I remember you.’ The remembering is really important. Keep promoting that promise you made through multiple stories. Branding is your promise and marketing are the stories you tell about your promise.”
Branding And Your Return On Investment (ROI)
“Our greatest asset is our time. There’s only so much of it and, unlike money, we can’t make more time. If you really want return on investment, look at your time and figure out how to make things more efficient and elegant, and ask where the money is showing up.”
“It’s all about alignment. That makes the ROI result. It is literally a result of when you stay connected to your purpose, you tell stories that are relevant to that purpose. And you’re aligned across everything you’re doing in a really consistent way. There’s no way to not make money.”
“I want to say keep it simple. Keep it as simple as you possibly can. We just get so bogged down in techno babble sometimes, or I need to do this or that. Just keep coming back to the promise, come back to the promise, keep it simple. And you’re going to show up in great ways.”