Payment Policy

eJenn Solutions, Inc. Payment Policies

Manually Billed Clients:

Starting January 1, 2019 all manually billed invoices for one-time projects or ongoing projects will have the following changes.

  • All Invoices will carry a 5 day grace period from the date the bill is due. If your invoice payment due date is January 1st – you have until midnight January 5th to pay your bill without fees.
  • All invoices not paid within the 5 day grace period will automatically incur a $40 admin fee.
  • All invoices not paid within 10 days of payment due date will incur a 10% penalty fee. If the bill is not paid within 30 days of payment due date, another 10% penalty fee will be incurred. A 10% penalty will continue to incur until 90 days of non-payment.
  • If invoices are not paid within 90 days of payment due date, we will submit to a collection agency for collection of funds. All fees associated with collections and any court fees associated with obtaining funds will be charged to you in this process unless other arrangements are made.

Subscription / Automatically Billed Clients:

  • All subscription accounts and monthly automatic payment accounts are free of the above Manually billed invoice charges. Exceptions: payment is denied prior to a 30 day termination notice and a “Subscription Payment Failed” notice.
  • “Subscription Payment Failed” notice. At that time, we will notify you of the issue and the above manual billing fees will apply. We suggest to avoid this, you have a backup payment method on your PAYPAL account.
    • To change or add back up payment method’s on PAYPAL: (Business)
      • Click Money.
      • Click Payment Preferences.
      • Select a payment method and click Confirm.
    • To change or add back up payment method’s on PAPAL:(Personal)
      • Click Wallet.
      • Select your payment method from the left side of the page.
      • Click Set as preferred.
  • Termination prior to 60 days. We will manually bill you for the final 30 day termination period. At that time, you will revert to a “Manually Billed Client” and the above policies for manually billed clients will apply to your account.

To Cancel Subscriptions

  • We require a 60 day notice to stop all processes on any accounts. This allows us to gather all information, stop payments on behalf of your account to 3rd party programs and supply you with all needed information.
  • To cancel your account – reach out to us directly at Jenn (at symbol) ejennsolutions .com (take out all spaces) or call us directly at 407-750-7198
  • We always work with clients to ensure a pleasant process in either non-payment, work done and cancellations.

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