How SEO Helps Your Business – Guest Cory Freitas

Wondering what an impact SEO or no SEO on your website has for your business, you’ll want to listen to this podcast! We had a chance to sit down with Cory Freitas of Digiwei.

About Cory Freitas

With a background in marketing, project management, and data analysis, Cory excels at empowering DigiWEI clients by teaching them how to rank on the first page of Google, keyword research, back-linking, and how to maximize their social media presence. “In the world of digital media, it’s important that our clients understand how DigiWEI is helping them to reach customers, and grow their business. Successful SEO isn’t about rankings, it’s about connecting people to the products and services they’re looking for…and it’s about helping businesses grow.

Listen to the podcast here:

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