How to Comment and Like Facebook Business Pages as Your Business Page!

Feeling frustrated at learning how to use your Facebook Business Page for more engagement? We all know how to engage (like, comment and share) on Facebook with our personal profiles – but doing with your Facebook Business Page leaves you stumped!

Never fear, the eJenn Solutions team is here! We’ll show you step by step how to like a business page as YOUR business page and we’ll show you how to engage too!

The first video below shows you step by step how to like other pages as your business page. Doing this is the first step to being able to engage with a page. You have to “like” the page … then watch for their posts in your Facebook Business Page news feed. Oh yes – Business pages have their own news feeds just like personal profiles!

How To Like Other Pages as Your Business Page:

  1. Log into your Facebook account
  2. Go to your business page front page
  3. Locate on the right hand side of your page (under “Our Story”) the “see pages feed” option
  4. Click the “see pages feed” wording
  5. On the new screen you will see a button on the top that says “like other pages”
  6. Click the green “like other pages” and begin to put in the page you want to like!
  7. Hit enter and you will receive notification that you successfully liked the page.

If you are still having issues, you can watch this video below as we like pages for eJenn Solutions!

Now that you’ve liked the pages you want with YOUR business page, you’ll start to see their posts in your business page news feed. Remember, this news feed is not the same news feed as your personal profile – this feed will only show you posts from the pages you’ve liked. Below is a quick video that shows you step-by-step how to ENGAGE as your business page!

How to engage as your business page:

If you need additional help with your social media campaigns – we feature some great “easy on the budget” social media marketing options for you. OR .. keep up with us by subscribing for more tips like this here: Subscribe to our blog

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